Wednesday 22 April 2020

Magic Realism: The Handomest Drowned Man In the World - By Gabriel Marquez

Before we examine what, inexactly, "magic realism" is (or might be), I'd like to simply read this story in class without any pretext.  We don't know who Marquez is, or when and where he wrote the story, and we have no idea what "magic realism" is (though the title of the genre more than hints at what it could be).

Again, this is short and sweet, and a lot of fun to read:

By Gabriel Marquez, 1927-Present

Saturday 11 April 2020

"The Dead" by James Joyce

Here, I found a nice PDF for the story, if you prefer reading them rather than HTML text.

Here is a text version if you don't like PDF.

Here is an annotated version of the story WITH A LOT to click on and learn on a much deeper level.

Pretty amazing resource if you have the curiosity to understand EACH sentence and word.

As you can see above, it was made into an award winning film, which me may watch if you feel it is interesting enough AFTER reading.

We will spend at least two weeks on this one, because it is a tad long.